PixelDebates is Here!

Pixel | Games & Defi
3 min readNov 20, 2021

After the $PXL token launch / Crunchy IFO (which sold out in just 17 minutes) and the overwhelming support of the community, the Pixel team is proud to announce the launch of PixelDebates.com.

PixelDebates is an NFT-powered card game themed around presidential debates.

PixelDebates TCG Game Board Teaser

The game has two components:

  1. NFT Debates Tactic Cards Collectable and Trading Game:
  • Currently live at PixelDebates.com, players get to randomly claim and collect fragments of tactic cards.
  • A full 1 Star tactic card can be minted by collecting its 3 fragments and forging them.
  • Collect and burn 10 x 1 Star cards to mint a 2 Star card.
  • Collect and burn 15 x 2 Star cards to mint a 3 Star card.
  • Higher-level cards grant more power during the PvP and Campaign games.
Leveling Up
  • The Market allows players to trade, sell and buy tactics cards and fragments.
  • A full deck is made of 15 tactic cards of at least 1 Star level

2. PixelDebates PvP and Campaign Battles:

Scheduled to launch in December 2021, the PixelDebates card game will allow players to build a deck of tactic cards, combine it with a POTUS champion from PixelPotus.com, and engage in PvP battles where they can stake and earn $PXL.

Players can build multiple decks for different game strategies.

The Pixel team does not keep any portion of the stakes of the games and redistributes 100% of the games’ proceeds to the community:

If the winner of a Debate PvP game owns an epic PixelPotus card (or a card of a higher rarity) they get 100% of their stakes back + 80% of the stakes of the loser. If not, the winner gets 90% of their stakes back + 80% of the stakes of the loser.

The rest is distributed among the PixelPotus holders of unique and legendary cards, with unique POTUS holders getting 5% of the total stakes (winner + loser stakes combined) of each game, and the rest distributed among legendary POTUS holders.

PixelDebates Launch Screen Teaser

A growing ecosystem:

PixelDebates is an important step in building the PXL.games ecosystem centered around the $PXL token. It is one of a series of play-for-reward games on the Tezos blockchain — an ecosystem where the community is empowered and rewarded, and where the $PXL token gains ever more utility.

Copyright © Pixel Global, Ltd.



Pixel | Games & Defi

Pixel is producing gamified NFT drops and play-for-reward games on the Tezos blockchain. Reach out if you’d like to make your next project pixel-powered!